
Friday, August 24, 2018

On being a feminist and a pole dancer

On being a feminist and a pole dancer

I am a feminist. And a pole dancer. To many people, this statement may seem to be a contradiction in terms, but its not. It may be a little tricky to explain, and a little different from the standard views of what feminism is all about, but nonetheless, it is possible to be a feminist pole dancer. Its a topic Ive dwelt on for a long time now, and I think Im finally ready to share my views. Deep breath. 

I first began to think about the happy coexistence of my feminism and pole dancing about a year ago, when a local newspaper did a story on my studio. The article focused on a competition I was about to compete in, and on how pole dance was becoming more popular as a form of fitness. The article was accompanied by photos of me doing my thing on the pole. A few weeks later, there was an article in another newspaper about a Lynx publicity stunt involving bikini-clad girls in hot tubs in the city (or something like that). Under the article, there was the following reader comment:

"ah yes...objecting to womens being objectifed because were just jealous.
Just the other week there was an article in the Wenworth Courier about a woman named Michelle Shimmy who teaches pole dancing and has recently won a competition in this art. There were numerous pictures of her in a skimpy costume performing some fairly graphic moves on a pole.
The article also stated that she was a full time lawyer when not teaching or performing pole dancing.
I just dont know what to think about this. I am so confused, and for some reason I could not just let it go, it;s been bugging me....of course, because I am a lawyer too, friends said I had problems with it because I cant also turn men on and am not a pretty girl doing crazy sexy pole dancing, "Just jealous", If she had been doing those same moves in a gynmastics competition in a leotard I think I would have been utterly awestruck but somehow, seeing her in a sequin bikini and the whole Im a lawyer too! thing seemed impossibly cheap and nasty, despite the skill involved. Whether you like it or not pole dancings origins are in the sexual titilation field. Anyway I admit to having been very conflicted over this piece of news.
woman | "

Reading this comment surprised me for a number of reasons. Firstly, because the writer uses me as an example to back up her arguments about what "objectification of women" means, in her view. Even though shes never taken one of my classes, never been to one of my shows, or even met me (as far as Im aware). 

The next thing that struck me about her comment was her obvious confusion and inability to process what she sees as two conflicting and mutually exclusive types of people: the lawyer and the pole dancer. In other words, lawyer = good, moral person, pole dancer = bad, immoral person. How can the two possibly coexist in one single being? Reading her comment, you can almost hear her brain straining as she tries to imagine such an oxymoron. 

The writer of the comment obviously found the sequined bikini offensive. Which made me wonder which part was more offensive, the sequins, or the bikini? She says that if I had have been wearing a gymnastics leotard, it would have been ok, and she would have been "awestruck." As rhythmic gymnasts leotards are often sparkly and sequined, I assume that she must be ok with that. So is it the bikini? I wonder, how does she feel about female competitors in beach volleyball, or triathlons, or even female tennis players on hot days? Maybe its the combination of the sparkles and the bikini that was too much for her.  I hope she doesnt live near Bondi Beach. Or Oxford Street. And for Gods sake, keep her away from the streets of Rio de Janeiro at Carneval time! 

The next thing I found interesting was this: 
seeing her in a sequin bikini and the whole Im a lawyer too! thing seemed impossibly cheap and nasty, despite the skill involved.

Ouch... I still wince when I read that. At first, I wanted to interpret that to mean that in her view, the fact that Im a lawyer had cheapened the otherwise beautiful display of dance and art for her. But I know that it was the other way around. In her eyes, pole dancers are cheap and nasty, but lawyers arent (even though Im sure many people out there would disagree with that!).

Ahem. Lawyers vs pole dancers. Let me put it this way: over the years I have met many pole dancers, male and female (but mostly female), who have inspired me with their dedication, support for each other, strength, passion, grace, beauty and plain old commitment to hard work, in spite of the pain and the injuries. I cant say the same for most of the lawyers I have met (no offence to the good ones I know!).  

Finally, her comment that:
Whether you like it or not pole dancings origins are in the sexual titilation field. Anyway I admit to having been very conflicted over this piece of news.

As a matter of fact, I do like it that the origins of pole dancing are in the "sexual titilation field" (sic). I have no problem with the sensuality or even sexuality common to many pole dance performances, for the same reason I dont see a problem with belly dance, tango, samba, salsa, zouk, contemporary dance, burlesque etc. They are all expressions of human emotion and feeling, and as a lover of dance and performance, I love it all. I think if anyone were to suggest that tango was disgusting because of its origins, or because of its blatant sensuality, they would be laughed at. I have always wondered, would pole dance be less offensive to its decriers if the same moves were performed by a man and a woman together, as in adagio? Or a man on his own? If so, is the real reason why it makes some people so uncomfortable is that its a woman expressing sensuality on her own? 

It would probably surprise the writer of the comment to learn that the overwhelming majority of attendees at pole dance competitions and performances are women. The men who are there are usually the partners of the women coming to watch. Of course, some men go on their own or with their mates, either out of interest, or to enjoy watching a woman dance on a pole in a skimpy outfit. But, writer of the comment, before you cry "A-ha! I knew it! See, men enjoy watching pole dancing, therefore it must objectify women and be bad!", let me point out that no one tries to use that argument about trapeze artists, gymnasts, contortionists, or contemporary dancers. A recent Sydney Dance Company production had its performers dancing in skin-coloured costumes that made them look naked. You didnt see the audience shuffling in from a dimly lit side entrance, embarrassed to look at each other. In that context, it seems its perfectly fine to admit that you enjoy watching a toned and sculpted body dance onstage for your pleasure. Because its art. So that makes it ok to look, and to admit that you like what you see. 

The fact that heterosexual men may enjoy watching a pole dance performance I give for its sex factor doesnt bother me. Same as it hasnt bothered me when Ive performed for a lesbian crowd. I dont think there is anything wrong with human sexuality or sensuality, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying watching expressions of human sexuality and sensuality on stage. No one is forcing me or my fellow pole dancers to do what we do - we enjoy it and we enjoy the fact that other people enjoy it. In any event, after pretty well every single performance I have ever done, the comments Ive received afterwards from male members of the audience are mostly about how much strength we pole dancers must have to be able to do what we do (mostly ;-) ).

But sensual pole dance is only one style of pole dance. There are many others - circus, acro, tricks based, contemporary, lyrical, theatrical... you are limited only by your imagination (which is quite limiting for some people, it seems).  

As for her claim that pole dancing objectifies women and therefore women should not pole dance, this is not the first time that Ive been confronted with this argument. Ive given it a fair amount of thought, to try to identify more clearly why it is that this argument bothers me so much.

And Ive finally figured it out: if you cant watch a display of athleticism, strength, flexibility and sensuality without perceiving the dancer as an object, then youre the one with the problem, not us. We dont need to stop what were doing because it makes you face your own views of what "good girls" should and shouldnt do, or because it makes you feel uncomfortable. If you dont like it, dont watch it. Thats fine. But if you havent watched it or tried it, then maybe you shouldnt be judging it, or us.

For me, feminism is about empowering women to be free in our choices of what we want to do with our lives, and how we want to express ourselves. Its not about telling other women what they can and cant do. There may well be situations where for some women, pole dance is inextricably linked with stripping, which for them is oppressive. However, there are plenty of women who pole dance and even strip out of their own free will, and enjoy it. We should be focusing our efforts fighting the agents that create situations of oppression for women, rather than an activity that many people healthily enjoy for many different reasons.  

A final comment: it is very rare for female strength to be celebrated. Most girls and women just want to be thin, and think that that is the only way to be attractive. Pole dance requires a phenomenal amount of strength, flexibility, stamina and endurance. Lets recognise pole dancers for their skill and ability, and stop putting them down. Its pretty clear to me that the people who claim to have moral objections to pole dance need to examine more closely their own hang-ups and views about what women should and shouldnt do.

Rant over. Ahhhh..... That feels better :-)

Shimmy xx

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