
Monday, July 30, 2018

Scoville Tuesday Is No More Boring

Scoville Tuesday Is No More Boring

Till now it was #followfriday that was used to recommend people but now get ready for #toptuesday, that will recommend spots to your community. When we first saw this news on Techcrunch, we were curious to find out what is this new hash tag all about?  Scoville, a location discovery service has started this trend with the help of Foursquare and now it allows you to select your favorite locations and share with your community on every Tuesday. In return, Scoville will throw some new spots for you to explore. Excited to know more? Even we were and so we tried out Scoville. We super liked it and coincidentally it�s a Tuesday, so happy #toptuesday

Scoville-Some History
Scoville is a location based recommendation service that is presently relying on Foursquare for all the user location based stats. Scoville was founded in 2010 and the brains behind it are Itamar Lesusisse and Gerald Goldstein. Scoville was born out of the travel service called and the founders from there on have carried the recommendation engine clubbed with geo tagging service. Scoville has again proved that 2011 onwards it�s going to be a year for Location Based Marketing.

How Scoville Works
LOG IN: Scovilles login page is clear and is right below your nose. It has two options- if you are a Foursquare user like us then you are lucky to get onboard but if you are not then leave your email id to get an invite.It takes a while to log in for the first time. Scoville allows you to invite your Foursquare friends and if you do so every invite fetches you points. Scoville is genuine in its effort as it displays you the invitation message that it would be sending to your Foursquare friends. Once you are done with this initial setup you dont have to wait to own your home page


HOME PAGEPLACES I LIKE is an attractive detail on your home page that displays the places you have liked. When you log in for the first time, Scoville pulls up all the checked-in places from Foursquare. You need to select the lovely heart icon to say that you like it. We liked couple of places and it is on our list for this week�s #toptuesday. For e.g.: We like �Burger King� for the amazing burgers they serve and its on our list. Scoville allows you to add a tip if you have any. You can also add to your �WISHLIST� so that you can keep a track.�Show on Map� is a cool feature that helps you to locate the spots. Location details provided by Google Maps are quite helpful if you wish to travel to the spot. So that gets a �thumbs up� from us.


�WISHLIST� takes you to the list of the items you have added. You can add items on the WISHLIST from the profile page. If you dont want you can remove it and WISHLIST has also the cool feature of locating the particular spot.

Home Page has some more attractive sections for a user.
�PROFILE COMPLETENESS� is a display board that shows what percentage of your profile is completed. Scoville makes an effort to explain what the individual things are so as a user you are not in dark.


�UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY� is again stats that show how many days, hours and minutes you have left over for the next Tuesday so that you are aware when will be the next #toptuesday


�FOLLOWING AND FOLLOWERS� are the list that display whom you follow and who follows you respectively. Right now we have none as we are building our community. 

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS� to Scoville is a way to invite your Foursquare community. It is a list with an invite button to click. Scoville sends an email to the concerned person and you get 2 points in your kitty.

�SUGGESTED PEOPLE TO FOLLOW� is a list that is populated by Scoville depending on your location. Following a particular person fetches 1 point and increases your score.

Scoville lists all your check-ins, ask you to �LIKE� the spots that you think so and want to share with your community on a Tuesday. Scoville shares your spots and in return recommends you new spots based on what you share. So you share and get more things on your palate.

LATEST CHECK-INS� also allows you to add a tip and share it on Twitter and Facebook. Finally when you are done, simply click on �IM done� button.

MAKE UR LIST FOR #toptuesday


Thats it you are ready with your #toptuesday. You can schedule this for every Tuesday on Twitter and Facebook and when you check-in on Foursquare you can also use #toptuesday. So go ahead, schedule them if you want to share and earn 10 points.

SCHEDULE #toptuesday


You can unlock your city on Scoville but you need to have 1000 users to get it unlocked. So share it and help your city get unlocked.

Leaderboard is a stats board which has two lists-�Overall lists� shows all the points fetched by different users who are using Scoville. Great stats to know who all are leading and where are they located. �Friends� is a list that shows your Leaderboard with your friends. It�s a good place to compete for fun. We believe this would be more fun once we can get some friends on-board.


Settings page allows you to define settings for Account, Picture, Homecity, Notices and Connections. Account includes your email and password details.Picture and Homecity allows you to define your own preferences.Notices are options that when checked will allow Scoville to drop an updates email for various activities.We would suggest reading on your own and making your own choice.Connections are the place where you connect your Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare accounts as per your wish.

As An Individual Why Should You Use It?
Share great spots you like
Get to know about new spots by following your community
Get some new amazing spots by Scoville
Locating places and planning your trip to the spot is a cake walk
Enjoy the fun part of scoring and climbing the Leaderboard
Easy to use it from your mobile without any app, just say #toptuesday
What more its free for now :)

As A Business Why Should You Use It?
As a business we have to wait as it is still in beta phase. 
But assume this , we are a fan of �Burger King� and we recommend for #toptuesday. Isnt that an indication for Burger King to catch the entire buzz and attract its #toptuesday customers? Are the Venue Owners on Foursquare listening? 
Nevertheless, we have to wait until Scoville evolves from its beta phase.

We do have a few concerns though�
Works only with Foursquare for now. We would love to see some more new names.
1000 users to unlock a city are too much when the location based marketing is still hazy.
Search for friends is limited. Suppose there is someone in Pune who uses Scoville but he is neither in my Twitter list nor on my Facebook, so how do I connect to him? How about having a search feature to find Scovillians.

We have said lot and now we dont want to sound like a paid article by Scoville, so would leave it to you to log in and go for #toptuesday.

visit link download

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